30 مارس Dra. María Vidal
Dr. María Vidal, MD PhD
Dr. Vidal has received a remarkable number of scholarships and awards for her research activities in breast cancer.
In addition, since 2009 she has been a collaborating researcher in more than 60 phase I, II, III clinical studies, as well as principal investigator of various clinical studies.
- Specialist in Medical Oncology at IOB – Institute of Oncology.
- Medical Oncologist specializing in breast cancer at the Medical Oncology Service (ICMHO), of the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona i Intensificació – Hospital Clínic Foundation.
- Graduated in Medicine from the University of Barcelona in 2004.
- PhD from the University of Zaragoza in 2016 with a “cum laude” qualification.
- Medical Oncology Specialist, Breast Cancer and Melanoma Unit. Medical Oncology Service. Vall d’Hebrón University Hospital, from 2012 to 2016.
- Medical oncologist breast cancer. Medical Oncology Service (ICMHO), Fundación Hospital Clínico Barcelona i Intensificación Hospital Clínico since February 2016.
- Participate as a writer and speaker at national and international conferences, such as the Shared Follow-up Program Between Primary Care (Ap) and Hospital (H) for Patients Treated for Breast Cancer (Psccm) (SEOM, 2018), or the Multicenter Phase I Trial of(HCB Selection Committee) Trastuzumab Emtansine (T-DM1) in combination with Non-Pegylated Liposomal Doxorubicin (NPLD) in HER2 [+] Metastatic Breast Cancer (MBC). THELMA Study (ESMO Congress).
- Participate in working groups, cooperative groups, committees, reviewer of scientific journals, member of scientific societies. Member of the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology (SEOM), of the SOLTI group, of the GEICAM group, among others.
- Participate in the publication of 43 articles, 42 of which have been published in journals with an impact factor.
- Reference doctor in bibliographies of books and monographs.
• Participate in clinical sessions, teacher in courses and / or congresses, training of residents, organization of courses and / or congresses.
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