At IOB, we offer a consultation service in order to achieve a quick diagnosis and early detection of possible cases of cancer.
In the unit, we quickly and efficiently carry out the tests needed in the case of signs and symptoms that arose suspicion, as well as tests that point to a possible oncological diagnosis.
We provide orientation to individuals who suspect that there may be inherited factors in their family that place them at greater genetically caused risk, by providing them with various measures for prevention and early detection.
The increased speed of the diagnostic process, and thereby the earlier detection of the disease, is a critical factor in the development of the illness.
When one person’s study rules out the risk of known hereditary cancer in their family, the results are useful for reassuring those people who fear they may carry a genetic alteration related to cancer.
Fill in the form with your contact details to make an appointment, and our team will contact you to arrange a date and time.
Continuous Care Unit, Cancer Prevention and Early Detection Unit